8 Bad Effects of Overprotective Parenting Skip to main content

8 Bad Effects of Overprotective Parenting

8 Bad Effects of Overprotective Parenting
Bad Effects of Overprotective Parenting

Did you know that overprotective parents are bad for their children? In the Journal of Child and Family Studies, this parenting style is also known as helicopter parenting. What are the effects on child development? Check out the following reviews, yes! 

What Is Overprotective Parenting? 

Overprotective parenting is parenting that protects children too much. Usually done by parents who are too worried about the risks and dangers that will be experienced by their children.

Some examples of overprotective parenting includes:

  • Prohibit children from playing in the park for fear of getting dirty and hurt,
  • Do Not want to teach children to ride a bicycle for fear of falling children,
  • Always want to monitor the child's movements, etc. 

Adverse Effects On Children Due To Overprotective Parenting

Everything excessive (over) is certainly not good. Likewise with parenting. Even overprotective parenting has more negative effects than positive ones. 

What are the negative impacts that can arise from overprotective parenting? 

1. The Child Becomes Cowardly and Insecure

Excessive parental fear will make children feel afraid too. As a result, children become insecure when doing things outside the supervision of their parents.

It doesn't only affect when you are young; the parenting style that is applied will also carry over into adulthood and shape the child's personality.

According to a journal published by Cambridge University Press, children raised by overprotective parents will grow up to be discouraged, afraid to take risks, insecure, and lack initiative. 

2. It's Hard To Solve The Problem Yourself

Lauren Feiden, a psychologist from the United States (US) stated that overprotective parenting can make children too dependent on their parents and difficult to deal with their problems. In addition, the child becomes difficult to make decisions because the parents are too involved if he faces difficulties. This will make children will always rely on parents in determining or solving problems in their lives. 

3. It's Easy To Lie

Overprotective parents tend to restrict their child's range of motion. Even though children need the freedom to develop themselves.

If they feel too restricted, the child will look for loopholes and eventually lie to escape parental restraints. In addition, children lie because they want to avoid punishment for doing things that are not in accordance with the wishes of their parents. 

4. Easily Anxious 

Based on a survey conducted by Kiri Clarke from the University of Reading in England, shows that parental anxiety has a significant effect on anxiety and even increases anxiety symptoms in their children.

This study was conducted on 90 children aged 7 to 12 years. The results showed that 60 children had anxiety disorders that were affected by excessive anxiety from their parents. 

5. Easily Stressed Because Of Fear Of Being Wrong

A survey conducted by the Center for Collegiate Mental Health in the United States shows that psychiatric problems are very common among college students. About 55 percent of students want counseling about anxiety symptoms, 45% about depression, and 43% about stress.

Apparently, one of the contributing factors is excessive parental supervision of children's academic and non-academic activities.

Continuous supervision risks causing children to be easily stressed because they are afraid of making mistakes. 

6. At The Risk Of Being A Victim Of Bullying

According to research conducted by psychologists from the University of Warwick, children who are raised with the wrong parenting are more likely to become victims of bullying at school. Wrong parenting patterns include indifferent or even overprotective parenting.

In addition to improving parenting patterns, psychologists also advise parents to establish good communication with their children to avoid bullying in the school environment. 

7. Increases The Risk Of Schizophrenia

Junpei Ishii, a psychiatrist from the University Katsushika Medical Center explains the relationship between schizophrenia and wrong parenting, especially overprotective parenting.

Research conducted on schizophrenic patients showed that 35% of patients who were cared for in an overprotective manner had difficulty recovering from the disease. 

8. Potential To Cause Depression

Based on research conducted by the University of Tennessee on a number of students in the United States show that those who were raised over protectively in childhood are at risk for depression.

Depressive disorders in students cannot be underestimated. This is because depression can trigger the desire to take sedative drugs that are at risk of endangering health. 

ALSO READ: How to Help A Child with Low Self Esteem | 9-TIPS TO BUILD SELF CONFIDENCE IN A CHILD

How To Change Overprotective Parenting?

Basically, protecting children is a good thing. However, overdoing it has been shown to lead to many bad effects. 

There are several ways that can be done to improve the parenting of children. You can set boundaries while giving freedom in a balanced portion.

Michael Ungar, a psychologist from Canada's Dalhousie University, suggests that parents give their children's simple tasks and responsibilities as they get older. 

For more details, you can apply the following tips.

  • Teach responsibility to children, such as asking them to shop at the stall while watching him quietly.
  • Train independence in children, for example by letting them go to school alone.
  • Help calm the child when faced with a bad situation.
  • Provide opportunities for children to face and solve their own problems.
  • Supporting children to do positive things they like.
  • Provide an understanding that failure is something that must be faced and used as a lesson.
  • Building good communication, one of which is by listening to children's stories.
  • Be firm when the child crosses the boundaries that have been set, for example coming home late at night without notifying first.
  • Don't worry easily and believe in your child's maturity so that he can develop well. 


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