How to Help A Child with Low Self Esteem | 9-TIPS TO BUILD SELF CONFIDENCE IN A CHILD
Learning how to make a shy child more confident isn’t always easy,
but being a positive role model, teaching your children self-love, embracing
imperfection, and encouraging independence help lay the foundation in helping
children overcome their fears and insecurities. To help build your child's positive self-image
as he grows, consider these dos and don'ts. Do give children choices.
Don't do everything for her. Do let him know no one is perfect. Don't gush or
offer insincere praise. Do assign age-appropriate household chores. Don't draw
comparisons between your children.
On spending time talking to school going children, you’ll find a
bit of a similar pattern in what goes on inside their minds. They are obsessed
both with fitting in and wondering if they’ve got what it takes. Adolescence
can be especially difficult for the child who has a timid and shy personality,
or is quiet in school. Not only do they have the same worries as other kids,
but they also have difficulty interacting, which makes it harder for them to
feel like they belong in their peer group. As parents, we can help guide our
children through these difficult years by providing loving support and a strong
home base from which they can learn valuable lessons and grow as people. If
your child is particularly shy and in self-esteem, here are 9 tips to help
boost your child’s confidence and break them out of their shell.
Teach self-love.
We are all guilty of sometimes looking to others for validation.
However, doing so leaves us dependent on other people’s behavior for our own
self-worth. To help your children avoid this dangerous habit, teach them to
love themselves, and get their sense of self-worth from within. Look in the
mirror together and pick out three things you like about each other. You can
draw attention to their awesome hair, or their unique freckles. Have them also
pick things they like about you and themselves. This teaches them to see the
beauty in others and to see that unique features, rather than making you weird,
make you special. Have them list traits they think they have that are
admirable, such as being brave, a good friend, or great at math. Practice this
habit any time you see that your little one might need a boost. Help them learn
to be their own biggest fan and love themselves, quirks and all!
Embrace imperfection.
If your child makes a mistake, try not to get too bent out of
shape over it. Keeping a calm demeanor and avoiding negative reactions to
accidents are great behaviors to embody as parents. If milk gets spilled at
dinner, hold your tongue and lighten the mood by saying, “No use crying over
spilled milk! Let’s clean this up together,” rather than lashing out or
yelling. Everyone makes mistakes and by not freaking out over them, we allow
our children the freedom to be human. Teach your child that mistakes as well as
problems are opportunities to grow and develop as people. If your child doesn’t
fear making a mistake, they will be more likely to try new things. If they fear
a harsh response from their parents every time they fail, they will not be
comfortable with even making the attempt and will show more reservation.
Teach perseverance.
If your child does fail at
something, it will be easy for them to retreat into safety and never try again.
Instead, show them you know they have what it takes by encouraging them to try
again. If your child falls off of their bike, encourage them to pick it up and
ride again. If they miss the winning shot at a sports game, practice with them
later, help them build their skills, and praise them when you notice they keep
attempting shots at the next game. One of the worst things to do for a child’s
self-esteem and confidence is to let them give in to fear and avoid activities
where they have previously failed. Their confidence will soar when they keep
trying and learn that they can overcome obstacles that they previously
struggled with.
Love unconditionally.
As parents, part of our job is to love our children no matter
what. They need to know that even if they make mistakes or don’t perform well,
we are still in their corner and support them. A good skill for parents is to
always try to keep a calm demeanor when interacting with your kids. If they
mess up in a game you’re coaching, give them tips on how to be better and
discuss practicing harder, but try not to let them see or feel your frustration
at the loss, as children are prone to internalizing such behavior. Always be
there with a hug, whether they knock it out of the park, or don’t even get on
base. Children are going to struggle and make mistakes as they grow, and
knowing that mom and dad are in their corner, whether they get A’s or C’s on
their report card is crucial to the foundation of building their self-esteem.
Watch what you say.
Your children will become the things they hear you say about them.
If your child struggles with shyness and won’t greet a friend, don’t be so
quick to explain it away by saying, “she’s just shy.” Your child will only use
that as an excuse to be shy the next time you meet a new person. Instead, choose
to only let your child hear you say positive things about them in front of
others. Let them overhear you telling a friend how proud you were when they
shared a toy or helped someone up off the ground during a football game. You
help build their self-esteem when they hear about the good things they are
doing, rather than the bad. When kids are young, they are trying to figure out
who they are, and looking to you as parents as well as their peers to try to
figure it out. Make sure the words they are hearing from you are healthy and
Help them find their passion.
One way for your child to truly grow and build confidence is to
find their passion. Give them opportunities to try activities that they are
interested in. Allow them room to decide something that they like rather than
choosing for them. Once they decide on an activity they are interested in, get
them involved. You may notice some hesitancy at first, especially with a shy
child. They may try to stay home from that first practice, or conveniently
misplace their instrument the day they are supposed to go for their first music
lesson. Remind them that doing new things is always scary and that once they go
a few times, it will feel fun.
Be a Role Model.
Your children learn from watching you and they mirror your
behavior. They are watching even when you don’t think they are, so be careful
not to say negative things about your own appearance. While unhealthy for any
age, we all have a tendency to point out our flaws. Instead, let your child see
you engage yourself and others with friendliness and warmth. Demonstrate
kindness to strangers by saying hello to people on the road or making small
talk with the cashiers at your local grocery store. When your child sees that
you are willing to open up to others, they will be more likely to engage in
similar behavior over time.
Practice social situations.
A good way to get over shyness is to practice speaking in social
situations at home. This is particularly good for helping children with social
anxiety. Start conversation with your child that they may have with other kids
at school, a new acquaintance, or even the mailman. By practicing what to say,
they will feel more confident the next time they suddenly find themselves in
such a situation.
If you plan to take your shy child somewhere that you think they
may struggle, prep them beforehand. Let them know what the surroundings are
going to be like and how many people will be there. Explain to them some of the
conversations they may find themselves in. By letting them know in advance, you
can go over what they will need to say as well as appropriate behavior. This
also can alleviate some of the fear that comes from unknown social situations.
Encourage independence.
Allowing your child to do things for themselves is a great way to
build confidence in their own abilities. Ordering their own food at a
restaurant, checking out at the grocery store, and doing chores around the
house for allowance are great ways for your child to boost their self-esteem.
If you see them struggling, resist the urge to step in and do it for them. This
sends the message that you don’t think they can handle it. Instead, provide
guidance from the sideline and allow them to take their time if necessary. Find
local volunteering opportunities for you to participate in as a family. Giving
back to your neighborhood is another great way to build your child’s sense of
self and make them feel like part of a community.
Helping and teaching a child to overcome their shyness and social
anxiety isn't easy, but we have 9 tips you can implement TODAY to help build
your child’s self-esteem and confidence. From self-care for kids to
understanding the importance of positive affirmations for kids to teaching
social skills to encouraging independence through age-appropriate chores, you
don’t want to miss this!
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