Easing Your Child’s Fear About Losing The First Tooth Skip to main content

Easing Your Child’s Fear About Losing The First Tooth

tooth loss


Losing a first tooth is a big deal for a child but shouldn’t be a scary milestone. For some, this was a pretty stressful time, while others found ways to speed up the process so they could get those Tooth Fairy payouts faster. So you should make this childhood milestone go as smoothly and stress-free.

No matter what, though, the prospect of losing that first tooth is new territory for every child, and it can seem very strange and frightening to them. On the other hand, if your little one has just lost her first baby tooth, she might be freaking out. She’s had that tooth for most of her tiny, little life but now it’s gone (and blood may have been involved!). Losing the first tooth is a big deal for a child but shouldn’t be a scary milestone. That’s why we’re here to help you calm your child’s nerves as they approach this milestone.

So how can you make this childhood milestone go as smoothly as possible?
tooth fairy

Make it a ceremony  

One of the top priorities of young children is proving to everyone around them that they’re “one of the big kids.” They’re growing taller, they can tie their own shoelaces and they’re learning new things every day at school. Few things symbolize maturity better to kindergarteners and first graders than a gap-toothed smile.

A great way to help your child look forward to losing that first wiggly tooth, then, is to help them focus on what an important ceremony it is and how grown-up they’ll feel after the tooth comes out.

Dos and Don’ts for Parents with Wiggly Teeth

Even when your child has the right attitude and is excited to gain Big Kid status by losing a tooth, it can still seem scary. Perhaps another child or an obnoxious uncle has filled their imagination with horror stories about the pain of losing teeth. You can ease their fears and make the experience more positive by following a few tips:
·        Don’t use pliers or other scary tools, especially if the tooth is barely loose.
·        Encourage your child to gently wiggle the loose tooth on their own with a clean finger, their tongue, or a tissue.
·        Wait for your child to ask for your help pulling the tooth instead of forcing the issue.
lost tooth

Don’t Forget to Give Incentive

There are many ways parents can reward their children for successfully losing their first tooth. The Tooth Fairy is a particularly popular one, with different versions of the tradition practiced all across the world.

Remember to Celebrate with hugs, kisses, joy, and take lots of pictures. Reward your children with tasty treats like ice cream or a new toy befitting a child who just became a big boy or girl.

Wish you and your child the best of luck!



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